

Variables that can be used when querying the data source for the List. Arguments can be bound to page, session, and cookie variables.


Arguments are server-side variables populated at run-time reading the value from a control, set using Xbasic in a server-side event, or populated from a page variable, session variable, or cookie. Arguments can be used in the List's SQL query to filter the data source.

Arguments are defined using the Define Arguments builder. Arguments defined in the List Builder are available to the entire UX Component and can also be accessed using the UX component's Arguments property. In addition to being available to the List, arguments can also be used to set the default value of a control or as part of a server-side event expression.

Arguments can only be changed server-side using Xbasic, either with an Ajax Callback or server-side event.

See Arguments (UX Properties) to learn more about creating and using Arguments in a UX Component.